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Port, InputPort, and OutputPort

The Port.cs file defines three classes Port, InputPort and OutputPort as follows.

class Port: public Named
    public Devs Parent;
    protected List<Port> m_FromP,  // From Ports
                         m_ToP; // To Ports
    public List<Port> FromP { get { return m_FromP; } }
    public List<Port> ToP { get { return m_ToP; } }

class InputPort: public Port {

class OutputPort: public Port {
Port is an abstract class derived from Named. It has Parent field whose type is Devs, and which is automatically assigned when we call the AddIP() and AddOP() functions of Devs (see Section 2.2). Port has ``List<Port> ToP'' as a set of successors as well as ``List<Port> FromP'' as a set of predecessors which are changed when we call AddCP() and RemoveCP() of Coupled (see Section 2.2.3).

InputPort and OutputPort are concrete and derived classes from Port.

MHHwang 2007-05-08