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Atomic DEVS: Atomic

The atomic DEVS is implemented as Atomic in Atomic.cs file. Atomic is an abstract class that is derived from Devs.

public abstract class Atomic: Devs
    public TimeUnit TimeUnit { get; }

    public Atomic(string name, TimeUnit ): base(name) {...}

An instance of Atomic class has its own time unit. TimeUnit is defined in TimeUnit.cs file as an enumerate type:

    public enum TimeUnit { MilliSec, Sec, Min, Hour, Day }.

Therefore, the lifetime of a state $ s$ , $ \tau(s)$ is interpreted in $ \tau(s) *$ TimeUnit inside DEVS#. However, to handle all different schedules in different time units of all atomic models used in a simulation run, time conversions are internally done in DEVS#. As a result, TimeLast, TimeNext, TimeElapsed, TimeRemaining, and TimeAdvance will be interpreted in second internally.


MHHwang 2007-05-08