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Client-Server System

The example Ex_ClientServer shows all features of performance measurement introduced in this chapter. This example considers a configuration of $ n$ servers where $ n$ can vary from 1 to 5. Figure 4.8 illustrates the case of $ n=3$ . However, all classes used in this example are defined in ModelBase library. Thus this example show how to use the classes defined in other project too. Observed that References of Ex_ClinetServer displayed in Solution Explore includes DEVSsharp and ModelBase.

The entire simulation model consists of the client-server system under test, named CS, and the experimental frame, named EF, as shown in Figure 4.8. The sub-components of EF, Generator and Transducer were investigated in the previous section, so we will discuss the sub-models of CS in the following sections.

Figure 4.8: Configuration of Client Server System $ n=3$
\begin{figure}\centering\mbox {\epsfig{file=ClieServ,width=0.8\columnwidth}}

Figure 4.9: Server and Buffer
\begin{figure}\centering\mbox {\epsfig{file=SrvBfr,width=1.0\columnwidth}}


MHHwang 2007-05-08