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Directory Structure of DEVS#

Figure 5.1: Directory Structure of DEVS#
+-- Util
+-- Doc
+-- Examples
+-- ModelBase
+-- Verifiable
In DEVS# version 1.2.1, the root director of DEVS# is DEVSsharp in which many classes covered in Chapter 2 such as Named, Port, PortValue, Devs, Atomic, Coupled. However, the classes of random variables are contained in the sub-directory DEVSsharp\Util. DEVSsharp\Doc contais this document in a PDF file and HTML files. DEVSsharp\Examples has example projects such as Ex_Timer, Ex_PingPong, Ex_VendingMaching, and Ex_ClientServer; DEVSsharp\ModelBase contains classes which can be used in several other projects such as Generater, Transducer, Buffer, Server, and so on; DEVSsharp\Verifiable containing all classes which are used for verification that was not covered in this document at all. For verification research, the author has a plan to write another document soon.

MHHwang 2007-05-08