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Atomic DEVS

An atomic DEVS model is defined by a 7-tuple structure

$\displaystyle A=<X,Y,S, s_0, \tau, \delta_x, \delta_y>$


Figure 1.1: Symmetric Structure of Atomic DEVS
\begin{figure}\centering\mbox {\epsfig{file=Cover,width=0.6\columnwidth}}

Figure 1.1, also used as the cover illustration, shows the symmetric structure of DEVS in the sense that the input event set ($ X$ ) and the input transition function ($ \delta_x$ ) are on the input side; the output event set ($ Y$ ) and the output transition function ($ \delta_y$ ) are on the output side; and a set of states ($ S$ ) and its time advance function ($ \tau$ ) are in the middle.

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MHHwang 2007-05-08