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Verbal Description of Dynamics

Suppose that $ A$ is an atomic DEVS such that $ A=<X, Y, S, s_0, \tau, \delta_x,
\delta_y>$ , $ s$ is the current state of $ A$ , and $ p=(s, t_s, t_e)
\in P$ . Then the possible discrete state transitions are:

  1. If an external input $ x$ comes in, $ A$ executes $ \delta_x(p,x)=(s',b)$ where $ b \in \{0,1\}$ and the lifespan and the elapsed time with $ s'$ can change or be preserved as follows.
    1. update $ t_s = \tau(s')$ and $ t_e = 0$ if $ b=1$ ;
    2. keep $ t_s$ and $ t_e$ preserved if $ b=0$ .

  2. If no external input comes in, then when the elapsed time reaches the lifetime, $ A$ executes $ \delta_y(s)=(y,s')$ and update $ t_s = \tau(s')$ and $ t_e = 0$ .

Notice that the elapsed time $ t_e$ increases linearly over time so it is a continuous variable whose time derivative is constant 1. However, the lifetime $ t_s$ is not changing continuously but it is determined discretely at the time of executing either $ \delta_x$ or $ \delta_y$ .

In other word, suppose that there is $ p=(s, t_s, t_e)
\in P$ at time $ t_l \in T$ , there is another $ p'=(s',t_s',t_e') \in P$ at time $ t_u \in T$ and $ t_l \le t_u$ . If there is no event between $ t_l$ and $ t_u$ , it implies that the only difference between $ p$ and $ p'$ is that their elapsed time such that $ (s'=s) \wedge (t_s' =
t_s) \wedge (t_e'=t_e+t_u-t_l)$ .

Example 2.1 (Ping-Pong Player)   Figure 1.2 shows an atomic DEVS model for a ping-pong player. This model has an input event ``?receive'' and an output event ``!send''. And it has two states: ``Send'' and ``Wait''. Once the player gets into ``Send'', it will generates ``!send'' and backs to ``Wait'' after the sending time which is an random variant in the uniform probability distribution function (pdf) of [0.1, 1.2]. When staying at ``Wait'' and if it gets ``?receive'', it changes into ``Send'' again.

Formally we can rewrite this player as $ M_{Player}=<X,Y,S,s_0,\tau,\delta_x,\delta_y>$ where $ X$ ={?receive}; $ Y$ ={!send};$ S$ ={Send, Wait}; $ s_0$ =Send; $ \tau$ (Send)$ \in$ [0.1, 1.2], $ \tau$ (Wait)=$ \infty$ ; $ \delta_x(s,t_s,t_e,x)=\delta_x$ (Send,$ \infty$ ,[0,$ t_s$ ],?receive) =(Send,1),
$ \delta_x(s,t_s,t_e,x)=\delta_x$ (Send,[0.1, 1.2],[0,$ t_s$ ],?receive)=(Send,0);
$ \delta_y(s)=\delta_y$ (Send)=(!send,Wait); $ \square$

Figure 1.2: State Transition Diagram of Ping-Pong Player
\begin{figure}\centering\mbox {\epsfig{file=PPPlayer,width=0.5\columnwidth}}\end{figure}

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MHHwang 2007-05-08